The sun’s shining, the wheels are spinning and the events are fast approaching. We are talking about Christmas, right?
Not quite. Many people see Christmas as the opportunity to take a break, recuperate and to reflect on the year just passed. Why not use it as the kick starter, a goal setter and an opportunity to get the kilometres under your belt. With many events in the Christchurch and surrounding area covering a distance of over 100Km now is the perfect chance to get the base miles into your legs. Without a strong base you will never be able to build the important and crucial elements that will enable you to complete such a challenging event.
Cycling is much like building a house. The stronger you build the base, the stronger and more stable the infrastructure will be. In cycling terms, the stronger the heart and lungs, the harder you can ride. Getting more oxygen to the muscles will mean having a much higher efficiency rate. Higher efficiency rates, means faster times and faster times mean happy riders.
Find a group, or create your own group. Be different and try new roads. Have an adventure, get yourself lost. End every ride on a high with a coffee – little things that will make the boring part of cycling, but the most crucial, a lot more entertaining.
Cycling, as with any other form of exercise, is easy as long as you keep it simple. Do the basics to the best of your ability and you will never fail. Set your goals high, there is no such thing as too high. Too high is for those who are scared to fail and not put the hard work in. In sport as in life you can never fail, only learn.
For all of those interested in achieving their cycling ambitions keep an eye on our Facebook for an exciting and incredible offer happening in the next couple of weeks.