At the moment, I'm not very busy due to having recently relocated to Devon. It takes time to build a client base; something I don't rush because I want to train people who genuinely want to train. Of course, all business owners strive to be busy, but being less busy is a rare opportunity to develop numerous aspects of your business and personal competencies.
In the last few days, I’ve created protocol cards for runners’ warm ups (locomotive variations, mobilisations and drills) and stretching.
I’ve always kept warm ups and stretching routines very simple (particularly for runners and sprinters), but everything can be improved. I now have a selection of protocols that are very well thought through, super efficient, and provide mental and physical variety without compromising quality. It's something I've seen other top track and field coaches do, although I've not always been too keen on some of the specifics.
These protocols are general, and I will adapt them for the needs of individuals when necessary.
The better the coach/trainer, the more thought through the coaching/training. The best can answer dozens of ‘why’ questions, the worst just select exercises at random.